AES Mega
Company Overview
AES Mega was established at the end of 2018, with a focus on the development of new types of renewable energy, including small hydropower, geothermal power generation, and carbon sequestration, within forward-looking green energy sectors.
The company’s services cover feasibility assessments and planning for renewable energy projects, as well as EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) for electrical engineering, including design, equipment procurement, and general contracting. Additionally, Wei Feng Energy is involved in the investment and development of small hydropower and geothermal power generation projects.
Application Achievements

- .於2023年6月完成,位於金山四磺子坪,裝置容量1MWh,稼動率超過90%。
- .未來計畫:與策略夥伴合作,預計完成2~3座地熱電廠。
- .湖山小水力發電廠預計2024年底完成併聯發電,裝置容量1,500KWh,可供應3,300戶家庭用電需求。
- .台東利嘉小水力發電廠於2023年1月併聯發電,裝置容量130KWh,24小時穩定運行。
Future Development – Sanjin Geothermal Power Generation Park

Sanjin Geothermal Park
Location and Scope of the Geothermal Park
By combining the financial resources, technology, and talent from Acmepoint International and Acmepoint Energy Services, the company is driving the application, design, development, construction, and operation of the Sanjin Geothermal Power Generation Park (located in Wanli).
By gathering professionals from industry, government, academia, and research, AES Mega is working to establish critical technologies and equipment, accelerate the installation of geothermal power generation at the park, and aims to become a leader in geothermal power generation technology in Taiwan.